Hato Hone St John may publish media releases or statements online. These releases or statements are usually updates or general news. We do not publish statements about incidents online unless under exceptional circumstances. If you require information about an incident, please see below.

For further information about how to contact the Hato Hone St John media team about a release or statement, or to request one, please see below.


What information can Hato Hone St John provide about an incident?

Hato Hone St John can provide information about:

  • The general location, but not the specific address, of the incident
  • How Hato Hone St John responded, including the number and type of vehicles
  • The number of patients and their general status — critical, serious, moderate, or minor — only
  • Whether the patient(s) has been transported to a hospital and which hospital.

Please note we cannot provide information about specific injuries or comment or speculate on how the incident may have occurred.

Hato Hone St John reserves the right not to reveal information about an incident to safeguard patient privacy.


What information do I need to provide Hato Hone St John when enquiring about an incident?

To provide the most accurate information promptly when enquiring about an incident, please include:

  • The estimated time of the incident
  • The location of the incident, including the street name.

Without this information, Hato Hone St John may not be able to provide you with information about an incident.


How do I contact the Hato Hone St John media team

If you require information about an incident or wish to contact the media team about anything else, please email media@stjohn.org.nz or call 0800 756 334 (SJ MEDIA). Please note the media inbox is monitored Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm, Saturday–Sunday, 7am–7pm.

If you require information about an incident outside of these hours, please call 0800 756 334 (SJ MEDIA). You will be redirected to our 111 ambulance communications centres and an automated message. Please select the option and nearest communication centre to the incident you're requesting information about.

Alternatively, visit Hato Hone St John Alerts on Twitter anytime for information about incidents.

If you require a statement about anything unrelated to an incident outside of office hours, please email media@stjohn.org.nz. The Hato Hone St John media team will reply during office hours.


Does Hato Hone St John have a media gallery?

Yes. Visit our media gallery to see and download images for use in the media. Please credit any image you use to Hato Hone St John.

Always on Donation pageSt John first aid TrainingFeel Safe with a St John medical alarm