Did you know that St John ambulance officers (seen most days in ambulances with lights flashing and sirens wailing) are supported by a group of 'behind-the-scenes' volunteers?

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They are known as the Dunedin Area Committee.

These volunteers come from different backgrounds, have wide-ranging skills and have one thing in common – doing the best for the people of Dunedin. 



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Most people associate Hato Hone St John with our ambulance service, not surprising given that we have been providing ambulance services for over 125 years.  Both paid and volunteer, ambulance officers embody the things that matter – empathy, teamwork, professionalism and integrity.

Our work doesn’t end there, however.  We have developed and introduced a number of different services, all with the objective of helping others in need.

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Hospital Friends and Friends of the Emergency Department volunteers work in the Dunedin Public Hospital – in the Emergency Department, Oncology Outpatients and in the hospital main public area, known as Hospital Hosts.  Here are two of our Hospital Hosts - Pat Daniels (left) and Jean Stephen. 



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Caring Caller volunteers reach out to people who want to have a friendly chat on the phone on a regular basis, whether it’s daily, weekly or every few days.

Caring Caller is designed to help people live independently, to avoid becoming isolated and to connect with a person on a regular basis.



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St John youth  is a popular programme in Dunedin with well over 100 youth members meeting each week during school term time.  Youth Divisions (there are five in Dunedin) train young people in first aid skills and how to develop leadership skills.  All of this against a background of fun and friendship, St John youth members are young people keen to make a difference!



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You will see many Hato Hone St John volunteers providing first aid care at community and sporting events.  The Dunedin Moro Marathon is one of the biggest for us in Dunedin.  Whatever the size you will often see Hato Hone St John there.



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Order your Entertainment™ Book today!

We are raising funds for Hato Hone St John Dunedin and you can help.

Order the 2020/2021 digital Entertainment Book APP and you will discover thousands of valuable 2-for-1 and up to 50% off offers for many of the best restaurants, cafés, arts, attractions, hotels, travel, shopping and much more. 20% of the sale price goes back to the club. The app is valid for 12 months (no matter what time of the year you buy it) and can be accessed on up to four devices.

To get your app visit https://www.entertainmentbook.co.nz/orderbooks/2601d00 today

Always on Donation pageSt John first aid TrainingFeel Safe with a St John medical alarm