Beyond the usual forms of donation or fundraising, there are several other ways you can give to Hato Hone St John. Any type of donation is gratefully accepted; all help to pay the operating costs of our emergency and community services.

Giving to remember someone special

If someone close to you passes away, and you’re organising the funeral, you can ask people to donate to Hato Hone St John in lieu of flowers. You can also mark the anniversary of someone’s death by making a donation to Hato Hone St John – these are called ‘in memory’ donations and can be made through the donations page. You can choose to make donations in memory at other times too, i.e. on a special anniversary that means a lot to you.

Giving something specific that we need

You might like to donate money for specific items or medical equipment that Hato Hone St John needs. We can help you to select an appropriate item or piece of equipment.

Giving items or products that we could sell

You can donate items that could be sold to raise money for Hato Hone St John. We can potentially turn those items into cash that will help to run our services.

Donating a service

If you or your business performs a service that we could use, talk to us about the possibilities. Pro bono arrangements help to keep our costs down, so that more money can go towards maintaining our emergency and community services.

Ask a question about donating
If you want to talk to us about anything to do with donating, please get in touch using one of the methods below:

Donate now
We’re grateful for anything you can spare. Donations of $5 or more may qualify for a tax rebate.
Donate money to Hato Hone St John >>

Donate over the phone or in person
To make a donation over the phone, call 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646) Monday - Sunday 7am - 7pm. If you’d like to make a donation in person, you can visit your nearest regional office.
Find regional office street addresses >>

Donate by post
All postal donations are gratefully received and acknowledged. You can post donations to your nearest regional office.
Find regional office postal addresses >>

Leaving a bequest
You can give to Hato Hone St John through your Will. A bequest can be a specific sum of money, a piece of property or a percentage of your estate.
How to bequest to Hato Hone St John >>

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