Half a million Kiwi kids to learn lifesaving skills through new St John & ACC partnership

Victoria Hawkins |

Children learning how to deliver basic first aid including CPR skills could be the difference between a life lost and a life saved according to St John.

St John in Schools is a programme designed to give children the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

The Hon. Nikki Kaye, Minister for ACC, and St John CEO Peter Bradley will officially launch the St John in Schools programme at Clendon Park School in Manurewa, South Auckland on Wednesday 23 March 2016.

St John CEO, Peter Bradley says the programme was introduced in 2015, with 77,000 children taking part and over 30,000 kids taught CPR.  There have been numerous examples of children who have been through a St John in Schools programme making a real difference in an emergency.

St John is partnering with ACC to deliver the programme to 480,000 school children in New Zealand over the next five years.

“The programme improves the emergency preparedness and community resilience of the next generation,” he said.

“This is exciting and significant not only for the youth of New Zealand but also for their families, friends and community who stand to benefit from their knowledge.”

Mr Bradley says “We are delighted to have ACC join us. Their contribution is pivotal in the expansion and development of the St John in Schools programme.”

There are approximately 349,000 injury claims involving children under 14 years received by ACC every year.

ACC’s Head of Injury Prevention Partnerships and Delivery, Emma Powell, says everyone wins with investment in injury prevention and life-saving initiatives.

“We all need to play a role in helping kids avoid injuries and being prepared to provide help in the event of an accident or disaster.  Having the confidence to call 111 and then administer first aid could well be the difference in not only saving a life but also reducing the impact of an injury.”

Ms Powell says ACC’s involvement in St John in Schools further strengthens the longstanding partnership between the two organisations.




Victoria Hawkins

St John Media & Public Relations Manager

T 09 526 0528 I X 7877 I  M 021 605 342

E Victoria.Hawkins@stjohn.org.nz


Sarah Martin

ACC Media Manager

T 04 816 7312 I X 47312 | M 021 923 375 

E Sarah.Martin@acc.co.nz



Media Note

This is an invitation to attend the launch of St John in Schools Programme.

When:                        1.15 pm Wednesday 23 March 2016

Where:           Clendon Park School Marae

                        145 Rowandale Avenue


What:              Official launch of St John in Schools Programme

A mini classroom demonstration of children learning an emergency and accident prevention module will be held.

Attending:      Hon. Nikki Kaye, Minister for ACC

Peter Bradley, CEO, St John

                        Susan Dawson, Principal, Clendon Park School

Emma Powell, Head of Injury Prevention Partnerships and Delivery, ACC

All are available for interviews.


About St John in Schools Programme

  • The St John in Schools programme provides pre-school and school-aged children with the skills and confidence to take action in response to an emergency situation.
  • St John Community Educators teach young people first aid basics and knowledge to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, along with those around them. 
  • St John tutors teach different skills to different age groups offering four modules; Responding in an Emergency, Disaster Preparedness, Accident Prevention and Camping.
  • In the past year the number of educators has more than doubled to a current total of 14 educators and three team leaders.  ACC’s support has contributed to this expansion.
  • St John has been running an in-house school programme for 18 years.

The programme, formerly known as ‘Safe Kids’, was redesigned, rebranded and renamed to St John in Schools (2014). Rachel and Sam are the programme’s well received mascots, featuring on artwork, stickers and posters

  • St John Community Educators have taught in Maori and Samoan immersion classes
  • Short educational videos for assisting in learning are currently in development.
  • With support from ACC, the common goal is to deliver to a total of 480,000 New Zealand students (pre-school through to Intermediate) over five years.
  • In 2016 the current content of the programme will be aligned to the New Zealand Schools Curriculum, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa  and Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Education)
  • The St John in Schools programme has been developed by St John in partnership with ACC, Safekids, Civil Defence and other external partners. It is delivered in modules with each school choosing the lessons/units it wishes to complete.


St John & ACC Working Together

  • Working in partnership with ACC and the wider health system, St John has helped develop spinal and trauma referral guidelines that have expedited the prompt and improved medical care of seriously injured patients.  
  • ACC is supportive of St John’s initiatives aimed at reducing injuries during high risk periods such as Easter and the Christmas-New Year Holiday break.
  • Both St John and ACC are committed to working together on falls and injury prevention initiatives.
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