Congratulations and well done to all of the participants at the National Youth Festival and Competitions, held over ANZAC weekend (24-28 April) in Rotorua.
Special congratulations to the South Island Region, which won Champion Region and took home the Sir Alfred Robin Shield for a second year in a row.
The Festival is the premiere event for St John Youth Cadets, and is the result of many weeks training and effort on behalf of the Cadets, and planning and hard work by the organising committee.
A special event during the Festival was the participation of some 300 St John Youth Leaders and Cadets in the ANZAC Day parade in Rotorua.
Also: well done to Bianca Cox-Hohapata of Rotorua, who was awarded a scholarship by NZParamedic.org to go towards tertiary study in paramedicine.
Congratulations to all of the competitors, helpers, supporters and participants for their hard work during the five days of Festival. Competition results can be found below.
Results, National Youth Festival and Competitions 2014
Team Drill – Lady Mountbatten Cup
2 = South Island - Mark Holdaway, Ella McLaren, Georgia Davison, Ashley Burney
2 = Northern - India Hyams, Indigo Harding, Alyshia Woods, Lauren Black
1) South Island - Ireland Jacobs, Ben Mattingly, Samantha Mokomoko, Nick Grant
Team Communication – Southland Challenge Cup
3) South Island - Ireland Jacobs, Ben Mattingly, Samantha Mokomoko, Nick Grant
2) Northern - Stacey Horan-Walsh, Simon Su, Joanne Yan, Louise Richardson
1) South Island - Mark Holdaway, Ella McLaren, Georgia Davison, Ashley Burney
Team First Aid Tests – Valiant Plaque
3) Northern - Ollie Hauke, Eloise Angland, Nicole Alexander, Ellen Dittmer
2) South Island - Megan Southorn, Pippa Spencer, Shea Kitchin, Georgia Smith
1) Northern - India Hyams, Indigo Harding, Alyshia Woods, Lauren Black
Team Pairs 1 and 2 – Brooklyn Shield
3) Northern - Ollie Hauke, Eloise Angland
2) Central - Frances Rankin, Patrick Ruffell
1) Northern - India Hyams, Indigo Harding
Team Pairs 3 and 4 – R B Coomer Rose Bowl
3) Central – Melissa Rosamond, Sarah Harward
2) South Island - Georgia Davison, Ashley Burney
1) Northern - Nicole Alexander, Ellen Dittmer
Champion Team Leader – Gilberd Cup
3) South Island - Ireland Jacobs
2) South Island - Megan Southorn
1) Northern - India Hyams
Champion Number Two – Rockell Cup
3) Northern - Eloise Angland
2) South Island - Ben Mattingly
1) Northern - Simon Su
Champion Number Three – Dawson Cup
3) South Island - Shae Kitchin
2) Central - Mathew Munn
1) Central – Brendan Jelley
Champion Number Four – Dominion Rose Bowl
2= South Island - Nicole Bremer
2= South Island - Georgia Smith
1) South Island - Ashley Burney
Champion Emergency – Secretary’s Trophy
3) Northern - Marc Atkinson
2) South Island - Megan Bolt
1) South Island - Ellan Baker
Runner Up Champion Team – Linen Guild Cup
1) South Island - Ireland Jacobs, Ben Mattingly, Samantha Mokomoko, Nick Grant
Champion Team – Barclay Memorial Shield
1) South Island - Mark Holdaway, Ella McLaren, Georgia Davison, Ashley Burney
Individual Drill and Inspection – Lady Mountbatten Cup
3) South Island - Clay Taylor
2) South Island - Sofie Heaphy
1) Central - Adam van Leeuwen
Individual Communication – Rolly Nelson Trophy
3) Northern - Justin Houben
2) Northern - Ian Lim
1) South Island - Sofie Heaphy
Individual Resus – Allen Wain Memorial Cup
3) Northern - Callum Hammond
2) South Island - Sofie Heaphy
1) Northern - Ian Lim
Individual Test One – Barry Cowley Cup
3) South Island - Tarryn-Anne Fahey
2) Northern - Callum Hammond
1) Northern - Rebekah Orr
Individual Transport - Michael Brooke Cup
3) Northern - Rebekah Orr
2) Northern - Callum Hammond
1) Northern - Ian Lim
Individual Test Two – Monkhouse and Kershaw Cup
3) Central - Adam van Leeuwen
2) South Island - Sofie Heaphy
1) Northern - Ian Lim
Runner Up Individual – Canterbury Centennial Shield
South Island - Sofie Heaphy
Champion Individual – Bledisloe Cup
Northern - Ian Lim
Champion Region – Sir Alfred Robin Memorial Shield
South Island