Emergency Ambulance Service Provider in Wairarapa

Victoria Hawkins |

Wellington Free Ambulance provide the emergency ambulance service in Wairarapa.

St John in partnership with the Martinborough Ambulance Trust, provide a first response capability in Martinborough. This service is available from 6pm to 6am seven days a week.  Outside of these times the Martinborough First Responder station is unmanned and all calls for assistance are directed to Wairarapa Ambulance provider Wellington Free.

St John Martinborough First Responder service exists purely as a Martinborough community service and is delivered by a team of dedicated volunteers and is a valuable additional resource in South Wairarapa. 

In May the St John Martinborough First Responder service attended a total of eight incidents.


Victoria Hawkins

St John Media Relations Manager

T 09 526 0528 I X 7877 I F 09 526 0553 | M 021 605 342

E Victoria.Hawkins@stjohn.org.nz

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