Q. How long have you been a volunteer with St. John?
A. I've been with St. John since Sep. 2010
Q. Why did you join?
A. I've been wanting to join for many years but my job kept me away from home for 6 months a year. I didn't realise that St. John was as flexible as it is, regarding shifts.
Q. What would you like to achieve as an ambo officer?
A. I'd like to pass my Nat Dip and feel competent and confident when dealing with patients.
Q. Do you have any extra responsibilities within the team?
A. I have the "stores" portfolio and have just progressed to ordering the toilet paper! (under supervision!).
Q. What have you learned so far?
A. Heaps! Not to wash my whites with my greens and how to tie my shoelaces properly.
Q. What do you like about being a St. John volunteer?
A. I love the camaraderie amongst the volunteers and I love making our patients feel comfortable. I like the whoop whoop noise the ambulance makes.
Q. What do you do outside St. John?
A. I drive busloads of German-speaking tourists around NZ for 2-3 weeks at a time as their driver/guide.
Q. What are your hobbies/interests?
A. Horses! I am the Master of the Kaipara Hunt I also enjoy having wheelbarrow races with my 84 year old neighbour.
Interviewed: July 2011