Q. How long have you been a volunteer with Hato Hone St John?
A. I joined up about 6 months ago.
Q. What made you want to join the ambulance?
A. Well, I guess I was drawn in by the public affairs of the ambulance service. We hear and see ambulances every day. And for me, to know that something is happening to someone, makes me want to be there to help that person. Joining Hato Hone St John helped me fulfill that inclination.
Q. What have you learnt so far?
A. Watching my fellow team mates, I have seen an emphasis on treating everyone we see with the same amount of importance. Whether they are in a life threatening state or they're seemingly okay, treating them with the same attention and empathy ensures that nobody is left uncared for and that nobody falls through the cracks of a system.
Q. What do you like about this job?
A. I can help change a bad situation to a slightly better one. Watching the news makes a person feel helpless at times. Being a part of something that reduces a person's setbacks is a rewarding process for all parties.
Q. What else do you do apart from Hato Hone St John?
A. Before I moved to Whangarei last year I was involved in a lot of music events in Auckland. I occasionally still whizz down to sing and/or play the bass guitar with friends.
Interviewed: September 2010