Health shuttle dedication
Some displays at our expo
In 2011 we set up an Opportunity shop in Pahau St, Thames; this is going extremely well and receives a huge amount of support from our community. We have many volunteers helping out at the Op Shop and its a great place to meet people and be part of a community group.
Last year we set up a health shuttle service to transport people to / from medical appointments mainly between Thames and Waikato. This initiative was set up because there were many people that couldn't get to their appointments for many different reasons and were missing out on receiving important medical treatment. The response to this service has been overwhelming and we are now running four vehicles to keep up with the demand. The service is run on a by-donation basis so is affordable for everyone. If you are interested in getting the shuttle contact the Op Shop on 07 8690179.
We also run a supporters Membership scheme where you and your family can pay an anual subscription in return for free medical emergency attendance and / or transport to hospital any where in NZ. To join up call into our opportunity shop at 101 Pahau St, Thames or phone 07 8680555 for an aplication form.
The area committee also run First Aid courses at Thames bi-monthly if you are interested in attending you can find more information on course dates etc. on our website.We also ran a Hato Hone St John Expo last year to celebrate Hato Hone St John Week. This was a huge event and it showcased all the branches of Hato Hone St John that we have here in Thames.
We welcome your enquiries and always welcome your support by way of volunteering, donations, or just popping in for a chat at our Op Shop.